industry Urban planning and land management Application …
Wingtra is regularly updating the capabilities of its premiere WingtraOne platform. This is evident in frequent, free software updates. But there’s something groundbreaking about 2.7 we really want to share…
The WingtraOne drone, manufactured by the Swiss company Wingtra, is now the first vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) solution to be verified and tested by DroneDeploy, an enterprise drone software…
At a lofty altitude of 2500m above sea level, 20 wind turbines of 100 m height are to be built. These wind turbines will produce 60 GWh per year to…
Pour la première fois, des drones de livraison approvisionnent les alpinistes et nettoient les déchets sur le mont Everest
DJI Enterprise
septembre 27, 2024
septembre 27, 2024